







1. 一昨日のブログをまだ見ていない人は、下の記事を確認して catch up してください!




2. 添削後の全文はこちら。


I disagree on the idea that Japan will benefit overall from hosting the 2020 Summer Olympics and I have three reasons why I disagree on it.


First of all, the trasportation network in the metropolitan area will be surely paralyzed during the Olympcs. People from almost all over the world will gather in Kanto area to watch the games, which means that the public transportation will (may) get very crowded on trains or buses, and this may (can) lead to a chaos.


 Second, Tokyo (towns in Tokyo) will be full of garbage. Today, transh cans are decresing to prevent any terrorisms. By doing so, the posssibility of *1 (the events such as bomb attack) might decrease; however, tourists frm overseas will have trouble with disposing garbage, and they throw it away anywhere. The safer we try to keep Tokyo, the dirtier Tokyo gets.


Lastly, accommodations for travelers (foreign visiters) will be surely short.

During the Olympics, a number of foreigners will come from other countries and stay in the metropolitan area including Tokyo, Kanagawa and Chiba. *2 (In addition, the staff of hotels will be required to have enough skills of communicating with the guests not only in English but also in other main languages such as Chinese, French and Spanish.)


In conclusion, hosting the 2020 Summer Olympics will be an arduous task for the Olympics committee.


3. 注釈について





4. 訂正箇所を確認してみよう!

まずは、the topic を the idea の方が better と指摘されました。

hub という表現ではなく、in the metropolitan area と直されました。




are ~ing では、ほぼ確定した未来なので、オリンピックは少し先のことなので、will の方が betterと 直されました。

see the competitions and it means that it gets very crowded という文章は、

watch the games, which means that the public transportation will (may) get crowded と直されました。


it がやはり目立ちますね。it will be full of garbage という文章は、東京や街中がゴミでいっぱいになると言いたかったので、it ではなくて Tokyo または towns in Tokyo と直されました。

most of trash cans は、シンプルに trash cans に。

due to preventing any events by terrorists from happening は to prevent any terrorisms  に。

however の前には ; (セミコロン)がいるとのことでした。begin throwing ではなくて throw と直されました。

先ほど自分で気が付いて訂正したのが、the safer we try to keep Tokyo, the dirtier it gets in Tokyo. を、the dirtier Tokyo gets. にしました。


最後のパラグラフでは、まず rooms をよりわかりやすく(ホテルや旅館関係なく言い表すために)accommodations に直されました。

travelers and game-watchers は、travelers あるいはforeign visiters が好ましいと、そのあとの are は、will be 、are coming は決まっている未来を表す進行形だから、wil come  に直されました。


hub such as は、the metroplitan area including へと直されました。

in not only English but also other main languages such as Chinese, French, Spanish 


not only in English but also in other main languages such as Chinese, French and Spanish



5. 感想






at Tully's Coffee in Yokohama station